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Created by Charisma
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Thursday, January 11, 2007

*.* e Proposal! Hee... *.*

Halo sisters....

Hee.... picture collage of the happenings on 1st Jan 2007. Thank you for being part of it..... realli thrilled (and also very the paisieh) to see you peepz... Hahaha.... since then... I got so much to share to you all..... should keep u all for suspense till team mtg... must come k!

Mother, sisters, daughters and a frog.... hahaha

The ring! I am still waiting for it to be re-sized... *gd thing is worth waiting for*

In summary.....

Thank you for making my dream come true..(part 1). Hahaha! God bless you all! Croakz!

Jesus gave us JoY! | 9:41 p.m.