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Friday, October 27, 2006

*.* ChRoniCLes of NaNNy ChiN and LuMp *.*

Hey guYs..

I can' t get enough of the blog.. anyway.. chin and I went to do some serious baby sitting that day. Here are some useful tips when your turn comes again.. hehehe..

BaBy SitTing 101
1) Work in pairs
( Chin's really good - you need lots of help burping him and changing his diapers)

2) dress comfortably and make sure you're not wearing something with a plunging neckline
(my top kept sliding down while I was carrying Emmanuel - Chin's a lucky woman *wink* )

3) be as irritating as you can be
(do NOt.. i repeat.. do NOT let emmanuel sleep in the day - right pam?)

4) beware of fart
(always change his diapers quickly.. he suddenly farted while I was changing him and you know what comes after fart... Ah!! i had to move quick..hehehe..)

5) subsitute water for milk
(when the baby cries and it's not time to feed him.. try to con him with water)

6) walk around A LOT
( that guy just wants to be carried and he stops crying when you walk)

alright that's all for now

Jesus gave us JoY! | 4:45 p.m.

*.* LyDia's MiRacLe!! *.*

Oh My GOSH! TecHnoloGY! LaM is writing on a blog?!! Oh MY GOSH!! hehehee.. anyway.. some good things should be shared..

LyDia's Miracle

Alright you techno-savvy individuals, I've been meaning to tell you what happened last sunday during service. As some of you know, Lydia was crying very badly during service and she kept asking why she was born and why she had to suffer. She kept saying "Take me away" "I don't want to suffer anymore" and "It's very painful". Sigh.. What can one do but to say some sugar-coated words in a vain attempt to mask her pain? Just looking at her asking such questions, I can really feel my heart breaking. So after comforting her for a while, I called her mum and her mum took her out for some prayer with her cell group.

When Pastor gave the altar call for healing, Lydia came back with her mum and after Ps Seng Lee prayed for her, I asked her to try and straighten herself and asked her whether she felt better.... she said ya.... so I thought " okay good man.. so.. okay la!".. and you know.. that was it.

So after awhile we continued to worship God, her mum and sis was happily jumping and praising God and Esther and I were also jumping and singing.. when we suddenly realized that.. Lydia was JuMpING.. QUITE A LOT!.. than "PoinK pOiNg POinK".. she jumped.. and we were jumping.. and she was jumping.. and suddenly.. her mum and i just stared at her..

"You can jump."

"You can jump?"


Suddenly it was such a JOy and MiRacle to see her jumping away!! ANd to see her just doing what she couldn't previously do.. is really such a sense of elation! I think.. words failed me and her mum at that moment.. IT"S A MIRACLE!! hehehe.. okay for those of you who are confused here's the back ground info. Lydia has had 27 operations till date, she still cannot stand up straight and could not jump unassisted. yeah :)

Jesus gave us JoY! | 4:23 p.m.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Emmanuel's 1-month dedication service - Del's 12 Posted by Picasa

Jesus gave us JoY! | 9:50 p.m.

Emmanuel's 1-month dedication service - 84 batch rox! Posted by Picasa

Jesus gave us JoY! | 9:50 p.m.

Monday, October 09, 2006



yeaps.. I thank God that I am able to blog, even though I am supposed to be in bed... but i thought I really need to blog something down, before another new week starts.

As some of you may know, I will be following Pastor Debra and a whole group of girls for mission trip end of this year. Michelle, from Pam Goh's side will also be going! We had our first " briefing " session today.. and I am really v excited.. even though I do not know wht to expect as yet... but, I thank God tht Michelle and I are in the same group, under Cindy, to serve the kids there.. yes.. the kids.. and, I am a first time tripper.. so.. abit sua ku as to what to do.. but God is good.. Pastor Debra is good too.. cos.. our gp is the only gp.. that has the least prep... as in.. we only need to fund raise for a guitar, on top of all our other expenses.. other groups like Benji and Rachel's, they need to fund raise for a TV.. OMG... can u imagine how expensive it is.... and.. yes.. do bless us with any guitars if you know of anyone who has plenty of extras, and are thinking of giving theirs who needs it, or am selling it for a low low price... Also, our group will be the ones, who will be teaching kids about moral/ biblical values.. so we will be like ' story-tellers' when we are there... I still cant imagine how it will be like... but.. I am sure I can learn alot from my maid, before we get there.. and I think i will get her to help me write my 'script', before I am supposed to fly there..

The Lord impressed upon my heart, tht I should be contented with what I have.. and that I to get my hands and feet dirty for the Lord. that was the reason I asked del if there was any mission trip this year...and I thank God that He has put me in this group, because I knw, He wants me to see, that even as a child, I have the privilege, to have toys and books, which i dont think they kids there will have. I am not sure what the Lord still has in store for me.. but I know.. it is part of the great plan.. and I am.. willing to get dirty for Him...I am reminded again, that I am blessed to be a blessing.. called to be a blessing..

so.. haha.. I will be passing my sponsorship forms for the trip on the next team meeting.. but I have decided that the finds raised from the G12/ our trip will be for the contribution of the team's expenses. ( unless some one specifically tells me it is to bless me, and wants to sponsor my trip la... hee.. like WL will be sponsoring my 'jab' ).. else, I think, i will pay for the trip. Yeaps.. and please let me know about the guitar thing i mentioned earlier.. and.. haha.. see you on tuesday! oh yes.. you can pray for us too.. cos.. i think me and michelle dont know any of the people there, esp the girls in our team, are all cindy's girls.. so.. i feel abit akward.. dunno why.. but.. yeah! I got new friends! =)

jacq jacq

Jesus gave us JoY! | 12:14 a.m.